Dreams for a World in Harmony – Book Launch

Dreams cover

Local identity Nancy Hawkin's book Dreams for a World in Harmony will be launched at Shepparton Library on Harmony Day, 21 March 2013.

Bishop John Parkes, A.M., Bishop of Wangaratta, will launch Nancy Hawkins’ new book Dreams for a World in Harmony, in the Library, 41-43 Marungi Street, Shepparton at 5.00 pm on 21st March.


More than at any time in the history of Christianity, perhaps the time is right to encourage church, school, youth groups, and centres of learning to explore spirituality—whatever it means—with a young generation, and with each other of any belief or no faith at all, regardless of denomination, religious preference, colour or creed.

A shadow has fallen on the great Christian church during the last few decades and a massive two generations have walked away. Without words and music to which they can relate, they have been denied the opportunity to find the mysterious joy and wonder of a faith to lighten their load through life. It is evident by the average age of most Christian congregations the 21st century demands new invention, imagination and decision.

The Dreams head for the hills, the fields, the lake or sea, the classroom, playground, home or coffee shop, to find places where voices can be heard, thoughts expressed and hopes shared through music, singing, Q&A’s, competition and discussion—to find a shared understanding and break down religious intolerance.

Dreams for a World in Harmony, along with its companion book, O my God! Where are You? provide atwo year program for Advent, Lent or anytime, gently introducing the young, disillusioned, sceptical or non-believers to the mystical world of faith which passes any logical understanding.

Dreams for a World in Harmony is a surprisingly valuable resource which will light up many communities.

Professor John Lambooy comments on the final chapter—a synopsis of twelve major religions: ‘I enjoyed reading this chapter because it shows how deep your empathy is with the planet and its inhabitants. I hope that you will publish this book on one of the most important subjects in the coming ages.’

Find out more on The World in Harmony website.

Book Cover, Dreams for a World in Harmony

Book Cover, Dreams for a World in Harmony


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