Yarning Treaty: Shepparton

Yarning Treaty: Shepparton

You are invited to have a yarn with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria’s Engagement Team to find out where we’re at on the journey to Treaty in Victoria! Two sessions with the treaty team are available on Monday 8 February, morning and afternoon at the Rumbalara Football Netball Club.

Our yarning sessions are a chance to hear updates on our work so far, ask questions, provide input and find out how you can be involved.

Yarning sessions will be supported by our Assembly Co-Chairs and Members from the North East region.

Join us for a yarn and help guide our work towards Treaty!

COVID-19 safety

To ensure the safety of our attendees, we are limiting places to 30 people per session.

Reserved places for Elders

We have reserved places for Elders — please call the number below to book.


If you have any questions, please contact Levi Power from our Engagement Team.
Call: 0437 795 268
Email: levip@firstpeoplesvic.org


Sessions: Monday 8 February 10:30 – 11:30 at Rumbalara Football Netball Club, Mercury Drive, Shepparton
Sessions: Monday 8 February 2:30pm – 3:30 at Rumbalara Football Netball Club, Mercury Drive, Shepparton
Register: Online at Eventbrite
Cost: FREE


About our work

At our yarning session we’ll share updates on what we’re working on, including:

Elders’ Voice will provide Aboriginal Elders of Victoria opportunities to exercise their cultural authority and experience to strengthen Victoria’s progress towards Treaty. It will provide guidance, wisdom and cultural oversight to the work of the Assembly.

Cultural Governance will empower the Assembly’s processes, governance and membership to ensure that it is culturally robust, culturally safe, and driven by cultural protocols of doing business.

Self-Determination Fund will be a financial resource designed to empower Traditional Owners and Aboriginal people in Victoria in Treaty-making processes.

Treaty Authority will provide independent oversight of the Treaty process and negotiating parties. It will be Aboriginal-led, culturally strong and underpinned by the principles of Aboriginal self-determination.

Interim Dispute Resolution Process will embed Aboriginal lore and ways of doing business, and provide a timely, independent, fair, and transparent process to resolve disputes in progressing towards Treaties.

Treaty Negotiation Framework will set the rules for Treaties negotiations. This includes what should be included in Treaties, and who negotiates and is represented by Treaties.

Truth-telling will be a process of openly sharing historical truths, acknowledging past wrongs, ensuring an accurate historical record and setting a common understanding of our shared history.

Join us for a yarn and help guide our work towards Treaty!

Find out more via https://www.firstpeoplesvic.org





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