Hanukkah – Pillars of Light

Magen DawooThe eight-day Jewish celebration known as Hanukkah or Chanukah commemorates the rededication during the second century B.C. of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where according to legend Jews had risen up against their Greek-Syrian oppressors in the Maccabean Revolt. The Atrium at Federation Square, Melbourne, will be live-streaming the Menorah lighting each evening commencing Thursday, 10 December from 7:30pm.

A little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness.

Swing by Fed Square’s Atrium this December and you’ll stumble upon a light show with a difference.

Pillars of Light, in celebration of Chanukah, is providing Melbournians with an opportunity to come together over a multicultural celebration, focusing on what unites us as a city.

Each evening features a bespoke program highlighting the core precepts of connection and collaboration through guest speakers, dignitaries, artistic performers, cultural groups, sports people and more, who’ll be invited to sign the pillars with a note, bringing together our varied communities through hope, positivity, love and light.

Don’t miss the Grand Menorah Lighting on Thursday 10 December.

The Program

Thursday 10 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Graham Goldsmith, AO
  • Speakers –

    • Gheran Yarraman Steel ‘Welcome to Country’
    • Lord Mayor Sally Capp
    • Xavier Csar, CEO of Fed square
  • Menorah Lighter – Nina Taylor MP
  • Performer – NYNNO

Friday 11 December | 6:00pm – 8:00pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Maria Dimopolous, Special Adviser Multicultural Communities at Victorian Department of Justice
  • Speakers –

    • Archbishop Comensoli, Archbishop of Melbourne
    • Michael O’Brien MP
    • Claire Spencer, CEO of Arts Centre Melbourne
  • Menorah Lighter – Veronica Pardo, CEO of Multicultural Arts Victoria
  • Performer – Olivia Meg

Saturday 12 December | 9:30pm – 11:00pm 

  • Young Adult Evening

Sunday 13 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Beverley Pinder, Businesswoman
  • Speakers –

    • Major Brendan Nottle – The Salvation Army
    • Ziggy Lovegrove, Lovegrove & Cotton
    • Lin Jong, AFL player
  • Menorah Lighter – Harley Rose, Access
  • Performer – Saray Illuminado

Monday 14 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Katrina Sedgwick, CEO ACMI
  • Speakers –

    • Tom Mosby, CEO Koorie Trust
    • Jacinta Elston, Pro-Vice Chancellor Indigenous, Monash University
    • Lynley Cresswell, CEO of Museums Victoria
  • Menorah Lighter – Muriel Bamblett, CEO VACCA
  • Performer – Aaron B

Tuesday 15 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Vedran Drakulic, (OAM) CEO Gandel Philanthropy
  • Speakers –

    • Jeremy Loeliger, Commissioner NBL
    • Josh Burns MP
    • NBL Players Appearance
  • Menorah Lighter – Junxi Su, President of Federation of Chinese Associations, VIC
  • Performer – Royal Australian Navy Band

Wednesday 16 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Ahmed Hassan, Executive Director YAY
  • Speakers –

    • Craig Foster, Former Socceroo Footballer and SBS Commentator
    • Peter Khalil MP
    • Larry Kestelman, Executive Director NBL
  • Menorah Lighter – Azmeena Hussain, Islamic Museum Chair
  • Performer – Elle Shimada

Thursday 17 December | 7:30pm – 9:30pm 

  • Welcome – Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Host – Rabbi Dovid Gutnick, East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation
  • Speakers –

    • Chin Tan, Race Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission
    • Viv Nguyen, Chair, Victorian Multicultural Commission
    • Darcy Vescio, AFLW player
  • Menorah Lighter – Doug Hilton
  • Performer – Kofi Kunpe


Go here to watch the stream live each night


Hanukkah - Pillars of Light
Hanukkah – Pillars of Light


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