Climate Change and the Strategy for our Local Resources:

Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority is hosting two online workshops to gather feedback on the recently released Goulburn Broken Regional Insights Paper on 3 December and 7 December 2020. The Shepparton Interfaith Network considers that “we are a river people” and how we manage our natural resources (water, land, biodiversity) in the face of climate change is a critical matter for us all. Hence, we recommend these workshops.

Background – planning for positive change

The Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has recently released the Goulburn Broken Regional Insights Paper about the current state-of-play and emerging trends in the management of the natural resources in the Goulburn Broken Catchment.

This includes:

  • Social and economic trends influencing the Catchment community
  • Major drivers of change
  • Condition of our land, biodiversity and water resources
  • Sustainability dilemmas facing our natural resources
  • How we can adapt or transform in the face of inevitable change.

The Insights Paper aims to stimulate a Catchment conversation on how we should collectively enhance the Catchment’s natural resources, which will be captured in the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-27. This includes your aspirations and insights for water, land and biodiversity.

What is the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy?

The Strategy guides actions to improve and protect the Catchment’s natural resources (water, land, biodiversity). The Strategy is renewed every six years and is a requirement of government legislation. While the Goulburn Broken CMA is responsible for overseeing the renewal and implementation of the Strategy, it is a strategic document for all organisations, groups and individuals contributing to the management of natural resources in the Catchment.

The Goulburn Broken CMA is hosting two online workshops to gather feedback on the recently released Goulburn Broken Regional Insights Paper.  

The Insights Paper aims to stimulate a Catchment conversation on how we should collectively enhance the Catchment’s natural resources, which will be captured in the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-27. For the Strategy renewal to be effective it needs to capture the aspirations, experiences and ideas from the diversity of people that live, work or regularly visit the Catchment. Therefore the online workshops are open to all, including Traditional Owners, youth, visitors, farmers, tourism operators, NRM professionals, environmental volunteers, health professionals and government agency staff.

What’s involved?
The online workshops will provide a brief overview of the Insights Paper from Goulburn Broken CMA Project Coordinator Ashley Rogers and a guest presentation from Paul Ryan (Director of the Australian Resilience Centre) on how communities and organisations can lead positive change.
Drivers of change
Workshop facilitators Cynthia Mahoney and Andrew Huffer will then lead interactive discussions gathering your values and aspirations for natural resource management in the Catchment, and priority actions to address the five sustainability dilemmas outlined in the Insights Paper (see Pages 26-27). The workshops will use online technologies to provide a stimulating and engaging discussion, even if we can’t meet face-to-face. They will also help build your networks as you connect with others interested in natural resource management.

Workshop details
Workshop 1
Date Thursday 3 December 2020
Time 2pm to 4pm
Registration Link Click here to register for Workshop 1
Please note registrations close 10am Thurs 3 Dec.

Workshop 2
Date: Monday 7 December 2020
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Registration: Click here to register for Workshop 2
Please note registrations close 10am Mon 7 Dec.

Workshop preparation

Please read the Insights Paper prior to the workshop and start gathering your thoughts around the discussion questions included in the Insights Paper (see Page 5).


Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Adaptation strategies
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority Adaptation strategies

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