Faith Communities in Pandemic Times

Faith Communities in Pandemic TimesWhat challenges are faith communities facing during the COVID19 pandemic, and what important role can they play in this difficult time? What is the end strategy for the COVID 19 pandemic? What is the likelihood of an ‘ethical’ vaccine and how will it be administered? Find out more at the Faith Communities Victoria online session on Sunday, 15 November 2020.

What challenges are faith communities facing during the COVID19 pandemic, and what important role can they play in this difficult time? What is the end strategy for the COVID 19 pandemic? What is the likelihood of an ‘ethical’ vaccine and how will it be administered? Join our Question & Answer forum for answers to these and many other questions with guest speaker Professor John Catford, who is currently a specialist health adviser to the Victorian Government. The introduction will be given by Rev Ian Smith, Secretary, Faith Communities Council of Victoria.

Session: Faith Communities in Pandemic Times
Date: Sunday, 15th of November 2020
Time: 2:00-3:30pm (via zoom)
Moderator: Norman Currie, Janssen Spirituality Centre
Free Registration:
Please Note: Once you register, you will be emailed the Zoom location.
Further Information: Sandy Kouroupidis, Mobile: 0412 670 369 | Email:
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This event is hosted by the Faith Communities Council of Victoria in partnership with the Victorian State Government – Department of Premier and Cabinet.



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