Webinar: The success of the Indigenous health sector during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Marcia Langton AOThe University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health, invites you to attend a Public Webinar by Professor Dr Marcia Langton AO, Associate Provost, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Studies Unit, Centre for Health Equity, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health followed by a panel discussion.

The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health are very excited to announce a keynote address by Professor Dr Marcia Langton AO. followed by a panel of health experts

The Department of Rural Health is committed to sharing health expertise with our communities to build their knowledge and resilience. Our keynote speakers will share their insights and offer solutions.

In an attempt to make sense of what we are currently experience as a result of COVID-19, The Department of Rural Health Aboriginal team has invited a panel of health experts to share their knowledge during these challenging times.

Professor Marcia Langton AO will provide a keynote address discussing the achievements of the Indigenous community during COVID-19 and Chair a panel of health leaders who will tell us about their pandemic responses during COVID-19.

There will be the opportunity for Q & A.

3:00 – 4:30pm Tuesday 13th October 2020

Meet the panelists

Ms Felicia Dean CEO – Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-OperativeFelicia Dean

Felicia returned as the CEO of Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-Operative a year ago, a role she previously held for more than 10 years.  Felicia also ran her own function and conference centre with a focus on modern bush food.  Felicia has 2 adult daughters and 3 grand children, and is Chairperson a local Aboriginal Art Gallery, Kaiela Arts and a member of Rumbalara Football and Netball Club.

Felicia has played a key role in the Goulburn Valley region supporting the ‘Algabonyah Empowered Community’ model and works closely with Kaiela Institute Executive Director Mr Paul Briggs.
Ms Olga Havnen CEO – Danila Dilba Health ServiceOlga Havnen CEO - Danila Dilba Health Service

Olga has been CEO of Dilba Health Service since 2013, she previously held a range of senior public and non-government sector roles in her long career in Aboriginal affairs including NT Co-Coordinator General for Remote Service Delivery, Head of Indigenous Strategy Australian Red Cross, various roles with NT Land Councils and NT Department of Chief Minister.

Olga has held many board positions including Voyages Indigenous Tourism, Indigenous Land Corporation, Clontarf and Stars Foundation.
Mr Stuart McGrath Aboriginal Health Practitioner – Miwatj HealthStuart McGrath Aboriginal Health Practitioner

Stuart commenced his role as an Aboriginal Health Practitioner in the Yirrkala Men’s Health Program in 2018 and is currently studying his Bachelor of Nursing.

In addition to his studies this year, Stuart worked as a casual Research Assistant with the Menzies School of Health Research on a project called ‘Communicate’.

Event Details

Webinar: The success of the Indigenous health sector during the COVID-19 pandem
Date: Tuesday 13th October 2020
Time 3:00 – 4:30pm
Cost: Free
Bookings: Online at UniMelb


The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health


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