Jewish New Year in time of Covid 19

Covid 19 - Rosh Hashannah 5781The Shepparton Interfaith Network observes – on behalf of Jews everywhere, Rosh Hashannah – the Jewish New Year. Due Covid-19 restrictions, Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year – will look a little different. We know it’s difficult to be apart from our communities on these important days, but staying home is the best way to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from coronavirus (COVID-19). This year has served as a reminder of our shared fate. As nations large and soul struggle to maintain life, dignity, and continuity, the truth that what we have in common outweighs that which divides us should serve as a guiding light.


This year, Rosh Hashanah will look a little different. We know it’s difficult to be apart from our communities on these important days, but staying home is the best way to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).

This year, we need to stay home and celebrate only with the people we live with. And remember that while we may be physically apart from everyone else, there are other ways to connect – like over the phone or online.

As a community member with valuable ties to Victoria’s Jewish community, we are asking for your help, reminding everyone to celebrate Rosh Hashanah from home this year. Please observe the restrictions relevant to your home, be it Stage 3 or Stage 4. We can help everyone – even spiritually – by observing these community health guidelines.

Rosh Hashannah 2020/5781

At the dawn of the New Year, the Shepparton Interfaith Network sends heartfelt festival greetings to all around the world celebrating this New Year 5781. The Jewish New Year was fixed to coincide with the time at which – so the Jewish tradition teaches – the very first human being was created. In this way the calendar emphasizes that which we all have in common and serves as a perpetual reminder of the need to further the rights of every person. The New Year is a lesson in essential human solidarity.

This year has served as a reminder of our shared fate. As nations large and soul struggle to maintain life, dignity, and continuity, the truth that what we have in common outweighs that which divides us should serve as a guiding light. This light can be dimmed in a period when races, religions and classes seem to be pitted against each other, but it is a light we cannot allow to be extinguished.

Just as we have all had to dig deep to find the resources necessary to cope with the challenges of the year now ending, so we will continue to strive to see the humanity in all human beings, beyond all physical, social and psychological barriers. This work can be wearying, but just as it requires determination, it includes fulfillment and meaning. You can do this by grace of our Creator.

Coronavirus Advice

  • Stay home and celebrate Rosh Hashanah only with the people you live with.
  • While we may be physically apart, there are other ways to stay connected – like online or over the phone.
  • Staying home is the best way to keep yourself and your community safe from coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • We all have a part to play in slowing the spread of coronavirus.

    Rosh Hashannah (Jewish New Year) and Covid 19




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