Dungala Kaiela Oration 2020: The River is Us – Carrying the Spirit and Strength of Dungala

The 2020 Dungala Kaiela Oration, The River is Us – Carrying the Spirit and Strength of Dungala, will be held online on evening of Wednesday 9 September, 2020. The oration will be delivered by Dr Lois Peeler AM.

The River is Us – Carrying the Spirit and Strength of Dungala

About this Event
Orator: Dr Lois Peeler AM

The Dungala Kaiela ‘Defining Goulburn Murray’ Oration is an annual event co-hosted by the Kaiela Institute and the University of Melbourne. The orations’ rolling themes examine culture, climate change, economics and regional development, legal issues, health and society. They celebrate Aboriginal cultural identity, create a shared vision for the people of the greater Goulburn Murray region, and build bridges to promote Aboriginal social and economic development.

This year Dr Lois Peeler AM will deliver the Dungala Kaiela Oration. Dr Peeler, a proud Yorta Yorta woman, is Executive Director/Principal of Australia’s only Aboriginal girls’ boarding school, Worawa Aboriginal College. Her diverse public career includes being the first Aboriginal model and first Aboriginal person to work in television (the GTV 9 Breakfast Session in the 60s). Dr Peeler has held senior positions in the community and public sectors. Her experience as a member of The Sapphires, a group that toured Vietnam at the height of the Vietnam War, has been celebrated in the award-winning film of the same name.

Following a response by The Hon Gabrielle Williams MP, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Dr Peeler will be joined by Professor Deborah Cheetham AO and Dr Lou Bennett AM for a panel discussion.


Kaiela Institute

The Kaiela Institute was established in 2011 to promote a collaborative vision and aspiration for a positive future for the Aboriginal community in the Goulburn Valley. The Institute provides a place and a process to encourage and support local Aboriginal leaders and institutions to take a strategic approach to building this positive future for the whole community. Working in partnership with Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations across four key areas – aspiration, enablement, responsibility and opportunity – the Kaiela Institute delivers on education, employment, health, social inclusion, cultural expression and cultural affirmation to create an environment that will promote collaborative visioning and aspiration for a positive future for our community.

Event Details:

Program: Dungala Kaiela Oration 2020 by Dr Lois Peeler AM
Oration: The River is Us – Carrying the Spirit and Strength of Dungala
Date: Wednesday, 9 September 2020,
Time: 6:00 PM AEST
Location: Online Event
Bookings: Online at Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dungala-kaiela-oration-tickets-116970336425


Dungala Kaiela Oration 2020
The 2020 Dungala Kaiela Oration will be delivered by Dr Lois Peeler AM to the theme of The River is Us – Carrying the Spirit and Strength of Dungala.


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