Religion and ceremony: Regional Victoria stage 3

Wedding Ceremony

You cannot attend a religious service – the Victorian Government encourages you to use online services instead to engage people in worship.

Weddings can have a maximum of five people (the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant).

Funerals will be restricted to 10 mourners plus people required to conduct the funeral. You can travel to attend a funeral.

Summary of restrictions

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020, the following restrictions apply:

  • You cannot attend religious ceremonies, except weddings and funerals under the conditions specified below.
  • Places of religion and worship must close for both religious ceremonies and private worship, but people required to conduct and stream a service, can attend for these purposes. This is limited to up to five people.
  • Weddings are limited to five people – the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant. You cannot travel to or from metropolitan Melbourne to attend a wedding as a guest.
  • Funerals will be limited to 10 mourners plus those required to conduct the funeral. You can travel to attend a funeral.
  • A wedding or funeral held in a private residence will be limited to the members of the household, plus the people required to conduct the ceremony.
  • You should not attend a wedding or funeral if you are feeling unwell.
  • You must wear a face covering unless you have a lawful exemption. You should maintain your physical distance of 1.5 metres from others.

Can I attend a funeral?

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020, funerals will be limited to 10 mourners plus those required to conduct the funeral. A funeral held in a private residence will be limited to the members of the household, plus the people required to conduct the ceremony.

You can travel to attend a funeral, if you reside in the Stage 3 area (outside of Metropolitan Melbourne).

You must wear a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. Even with a face covering, you should keep 1.5 metres distance between you and others. You should not attend a funeral if feeling unwell.

Can I travel to a wedding if I am getting married, a witness or the celebrant?

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020, the only people who can attend a wedding is the couple, two witnesses and a celebrant. All must wear face coverings, except the couple while they are in the process of getting married. If you live in regional Victoria you can travel within regional Victoria to participate in a wedding.

People who live in metropolitan Melbourne are not permitted to participate in marriage ceremonies, unless there is an exemption on compassionate grounds.

Can I attend a wedding?

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020, weddings are limited to five people – the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant.

If the wedding is held in a private residence, then number of people attending is limited to the members of the household, plus the people required to conduct the ceremony. The celebrant may attend under the provision of work and must wear a face covering. Witnesses will not be able to attend the wedding in a private residence unless they reside at the same address as the couple.

You should never attend a wedding if unwell. You must wear a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. Even with a face covering, you should keep 1.5 metres distance between you and others unless from the same household or the couple to be married.

Can I hold a wake after 11:59pm on 5 August 2020?

No. Wakes are a separate event to funerals. Wakes will not be able to be held.

Are places of worship open?

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020, all places of worship of all denominations are closed for private worship or religious ceremonies.

Ceremonies and services can still be recorded or broadcast live from the place of worship for viewing online. Those who are necessary to conduct the ceremony may be on site to record and live stream services, however this is limited to a maximum of five people. You should ensure those people wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between each other at all times.

Places of worship may be opened for the purposes of conducting weddings or funerals, but there are strict limits on the number of people who can attend.

Places of worship can continue to be open for essential public support services such as food banks, help for the homeless or other essential activities. Face coverings must be worn and appropriate physical distancing is maintained by keeping at least 1.5 metres between everyone at all times.

Can I attend a prayer group?

From 11:59pm on 5 August 2020 all in-person prayer groups must stop meeting in person. You can hold a prayer group online or use video conferencing.

Can I visit a cemetery outside of attending a funeral?

Yes, you can visit a cemetery, however from 11:59pm on 5 August 2020 you can only visit with one other person, or members of your household.

You must wear a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so. Even with a face covering, you should keep 1.5 metres distance between you and others.


Religion and ceremony: Regional Victoria stage 3


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