Covid-19 Racism is not acceptable

Covid-19 Racism is not acceptable

The Australian Government is currently running an information campaign to support and inform multicultural communities in response to an increase in reports of racist behaviour targeting people of Asian appearance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the campaign we are reaching out to the most affected communities through community leaders such as you.

Australia is a proud multicultural nation, united by shared values based on freedom, equality and respect for all people. Racial discrimination and abuse is against the law, contrary to our values, and damages social cohesion.

All Australians have a role to play in responding to racism, by calling it out when they see it, standing in solidarity with affected people and communities, and celebrating our rich multicultural diversity.

We would appreciate your support sharing information about what people can do if they experience or witness racist behaviour. Information and support is available at, and in a range of community languages at


Racism is not acceptable




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