Shepparton Climate Change, Water Availability and Community Resilience Forum

water - flood - and droughtThe impacts of water constraints on the Murray-Darling Basin are still being felt across our communities. Farmers for Climate Action is running the Shepparton Community Resilience forum to support communities and people still grappling with reduced water allocations and drought.

The impacts of water constraints on the Murray-Darling Basin are still being felt across our communities. Farmers for Climate Action is running the Shepparton Community Resilience forum to support communities and people still grappling with reduced water allocations and drought.

Dr Peter Hayman is delivering this forum’s focused address on the impact of climate change and climate variability on river inflows and water availability. Other speakers include clinical psychologist Dr Rob Gordon, grassroots political expert Denis Ginnivan and Farmers for Climate Action CEO Wendy Cohen.

The aim of this forum is to provide attendees with an understanding of the mental impacts of natural disasters on the community. It also will endeavour to provide a pathway for the community to commence the long process of building resilience and recovery.

This forum will provide the community with tools to go out and create the community change they want to see.

Book your place at this important event today.


Dr Rob Gordon

Dr Rob Gordon is a clinical psychologist who has been working in the field of disaster recovery since Ash Wednesday in 1983. He has worked with people and communities after the Port Arthur shooting, the Bali Bombing, Black Saturday and numerous natural disasters throughout Australia and New Zealand. He will speak on the impact of disasters on weakening the social fabric of communities.

Dr Peter Hayman

Dr Peter Hayman is the Principal Scientist in Climate Applications at SARDI. As program leader of the climate applications science program area, he works with industry stakeholders in dryland and irrigated industries to identify key climate risks and then form appropriate research and development partnerships to address the issue. He provides a two way flow of information between climate scientists from the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO and agriculture in South Australia.

Denis Ginnivan

Denis Ginnivan is a grassroots political leader, who is the immediate past president and a foundation member of Voices for Indi, a community group based in northeast Victoria, which seeks to encourage citizens to engage and participate in politics and democracy. Denis occupied key senior leadership roles in the three successful independent Indi campaigns of 2013, 2016 and 2019. He is also deputy-chair of Totally Renewable Yackandandah, another community group, which maximises opportunities for renewable energy uptake in his beautiful country town. Denis will work with the community to explore the type of actions and future directions participants might like to take or strengthen to increase the resilience of their community into the future.

Wendy Cohen

Wendy Cohen is the CEO of Farmers for Climate Action, an alliance of farmers, agricultural leaders and rural Australians working to ensure farmers are a key part of the solution to climate change. Wendy was previously the CEO of the Country Education Foundation of Australia, where she fought for better education outcomes for rural and regional students. Wendy was also the CEO of Equestrian NSW during the 2007 equine influenza crisis, spearheading the response and overseeing the distribution of over $25 million in relief funds.

Event Details

WHEN: June 02, 2020 at 8:45am – 11am
RSVP: Book your place in the meeting Here
CONTACT: Peter Holding ·


water - flood - and drought


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Shepparton Climate Change, Water Availability and Community Resilience Forum


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