Live Streaming of Worship – Shepparton

Shepparton places of worship

Here, we bring you up to date with prayer and devotion in Shepparton’s places of worship for the current time of Covid 19 with Stage 3 restrictions. Christian, Buddhist, Muslim and Sikh communities are referenced.

Due the Prime Minister’s Press Conference on 3 April 2020, worship that is streamed live is deemed an essential service, and the proper number of ministers, priests, deacons, imams, gurbani’s will be allowed to participate in the live streaming. The Place of Worship, however, remains closed to the Public.

Update: There are a number of new links added for Christian worship in languages other than English.

Update 3 April 3:00pm

AT THE 2PM NATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE TODAY the Prime Minister announced: “National Cabinet has decided to expand those able to conduct religious services, particularly over the Easter period. That doesn’t mean places of worship are open, but that priests and those formally involved in conducting the services’ will now be classified as essential workers.”. He also said that the 2 person restriction would be relaxed so that more people could be involved in producing the services.

Several national churches advise having a maximum of 5 persons involved, adhering to social distancing and hygiene rules. They also advise to still maintain only 2 people on screen at any one time.

St Brendan’s Church

Father Joe – and others – are doing a daily update live on Facebook – a sacrifice of love.
Palm Sunday will be live-streamed from St Killians Church, Bendigo

Time: 10am Sundays. Click here to view our live stream or archived videos.

Holy Week Liturgies – Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo (Click here)

Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Thursday 9 April, 7pm

Stations of the Cross: Friday 10 April, 12noon

Good Friday ceremony: Friday 10 April, 3pm

Easter Vigil: Saturday 11 April, 8pm

Easter Day Mass: Sunday 12 April, 10am

Alternate streaming may be obtained from St Marys Cathedral, Sydney: Youtube or

Shepparton Baptist Church

Church services have ceased due Covid-19 restrictions.
Rev. Richard Horton gives online sermons and exegesis of Genesis 5-8, 9-10,

Other Online Baptist Church services found here

Shepparton Uniting Church

Virtual Worship is offered, along with resources for Personal Worship

Uniting Church Services – in Languages other than English

If you want to experience worshipping God on Sunday with congregational leaders who speak languages other than English, here is the list:

Mascot Wesley Uniting Church (Tongan)

Tonga Parish Media

Gospel Hall Melbourne UCA (Chinese)

Taiwanese UCA Brisbane (Taiwanese)

St Albans (Filipino) UCA Melbourne (English)

St Andrews UCA Melbourne (Indonesian)

GKI Perth UCA (Indonesian)

Hanbit UCA Melbourne (Korean)
Youtube: Hanbit Korean church of Melbourne

St Augustine’s Church

Church services in the Wangaratta Diocese have been suspended.

The Anglican Diocese of Bendigo is providing online worship.

The diocese will be supplying weekly worship services online while church buildings are not able to be used due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Each week a new service will be uploaded for you to watch from your own home either on Sunday, or when it suits you.

Palm Sunday Service is online. See

Shepparton Adventist Church

Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, our church services have been suspended until the end of April. In the meantime, we are live streaming services and we welcome you to join us.

Life Church ACC

Mooroopna Church is closed in accord with Stage 3 restrictions.
Online Services are offered.
Sunday 10am Live Stream
10:00am Sunday, Apr. 5

Goulburn Murray Lutheran Parish
St Paul’s Lutheran

Conducts Mid-week Lenten service live-stream,
Palm Sunday will be live-streamed

Shepparton Albanian Society

Mosque is closed for Friday Prayers.
Mosque follows directions of Islamic Council of Victoria

G.V. Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre & Mosque

Imam Recep Ay gives online services: morning and evening prayers.
Melbourne Diayanet is also shared on this page.
Melbourne için ikindi ezanı vakti. Recep Ay. Shepparton Türk Islâm cami İmam-hatibi. 27.03.2020. 16.51

Imam Kadhim Mosque – The Iraqi Community Centre

Mosque is closed – no Friday prayers.
Keeps up to date information on Covid-19 and Health informatoinl information from Greater Shepparton City Council is also shared.
In view of the circumstances that’s the world is going through and due to the outbreak coronavirus epidemic,
Also in line with the recommendations of the Supreme Religious Reference, and according to the instructions of the Australian Ministry of Health to prevent gatherings, take care and caution, and to preserve the health and safety of our respected community, Imam Kadhim Mosqe (The Iraqi Community Center), in Shepparton announce the cancellation for all the events and prayers from Monday, 23/3/2020 until further notice, asking the Mighty and Glory to keep us all away from all diseases and heal all the sick.
Good protect you all

قُل لَّن يُصِيبَنَا إِلَّا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا هُوَ مَوْلَانَا ۚ وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ .
صدق الله العلي العظيم
نظراً للظروف التي يمر بها العالم بسبب تفشي فايروس( كرونا ) الوبائي ، وإنسجاماً مع توصيات المرجعيه الدينيه العليا ، وحسب تعليمات وزارة الصحه الأستراليه بمنع التجمعات ، وأخذ الحيطة والحذر ، وحفاظاً على صحة وسلامة جاليتنا المحترمه ، يعلن مسجد وحسينية الإمام الكاظم عليه السلام في مدينة شبرتن ، عن تعليقه لجميع الفعاليات والمناسبات الدينية والصلاة إعتباراً من اليوم الأثنين الموافق 23/3/2020 وحتى إشعار آخر ، سائلين المولى عز وجل أن يبعد عنا وعنكم الأمراض ويشافى جميع المرضى .
والله ولي التوفيق

Goulburn Valley Afghan Association

All activities cancelled until further notice

Guru Nanak Sikh Society Shepparton

(Shepparton Sikh Temple)
Shepparton Gurduara is closed.
No Visitors.
Parkash is live streamed from Cragieburn Gurudwara Sahib

Buddhist Association of the Goulburn Valley:

Shares Video on mindfulness in times of global Pandemic from
Tibet TV, given by Ven. Lhakdor, the Director of Dharamshala-based Library of Tibetan Works and Archives

St Paul’s African House, Shepparton

Closed until further notice

This list will be updated as information becomes available.


Shepparton places of worship
Shepparton places of worship





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