Approaching the issues of online pornography with your teenagers

Small University of Melbourne Logo WhiteThe University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health invite you to attend a Public Lecture by Ms Jenny Walsh at The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health, 49 Graham St (opposite GV Health) Shepparton at 5:30 – 7:00pm on Tuesday 11th February, 2020.

Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Public Health Event

How should parents and carers approach the issue of online pornography with their teenagers?

Ms Jenny Walsh ~ Relationships and Sexuality Education Expert

Pornography in the online age is a concern for many parents and carers. Are our kids accessing it? If so, how? What are they watching and what impact might it be having?

The University of Melbourne’s Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health (CERSH) is partnering with not-for-profit organisation Parenting Guides Ltd to present an information evening for parents, carers and educators about porn in the 21st century.

Jenny is a Relationships and Sexuality Education Expert who has worked with the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation(VACCHO) and the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Excellence in Rural Sexual Health to develop sex ed resources. Jenny will address the impact of modern pornography on young people and provide information on how to best approach the issues many parents and carers face. For further information or

*See the attached flyer for further information.

Event Details:

Public Lecture by Ms Jenny Walsh at The University of Melbourne,
Department of Rural Health, 49 Graham St (opposite GV Health)
5:30 – 7:00pm on Tuesday 11th February, 2020.
Bookings are essential for this free public event.
RSVP – Please register online:
or contact Di Doyle,Events, Community Engagement & Alumni Administrator, or ph: (03) 5823 4512.
Download a Flyer for this event





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