Global Silent Minute

On December 21st at 9.00pm GMT join in one minute of silence, the exact same minute everywhere around the globe and on both sides of the veil – to call for global cooperation, peace, and freedom.

As we approach the end of the second decade of the millennium, a call to draw together across the planet for ONE MINUTE in focused silence with the intention for peace and worldwide cooperation has been initiated globally. This initiative has been endorsed by the Dali Lama and countless groups and organizations across multiple countries, and the explanatory resources have been translated into multiple languages. Hopefully you may feel moved by the collaborative intent for good of this simple gesture of silence, and help to promote it through your programs and networks.

Amidst the challenges we face today, the Global Silent Minute is an opportunity to unite in thought, prayer, and meditation to create the future we imagine. The minute begins with the ringing of bells everywhere, as together we enter into one silent minute, calling on humanity to fulfill its highest potential and greatest destiny: peace on Earth.

The Global Silent Minute is inspired by the Silent Minute launched in WWII in London during the blitz as a call to citizens to unite daily in a silent minute for peace and freedom. Millions participated, and its success was acknowledged after the war as a “secret weapon” which the Germans could not counter. Today, our Global Silent Minute will be a powerful force in the creation of a better world for all.

His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama Endorses the Global Silent Minute


Global Silent Minute - Ring the Bells


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