Season of Creation

Global support continues to grow for the Season of Creation, an annual celebration of prayer and action to protect creation that is celebrated by tens of thousands of Christians of all traditions around the world. Running from 1 September to 4 October, the Season of Creation’s beginning and end dates are linked with the concern for creation in the Eastern and the Western traditions of Christianity, respectively.

This celebration is from September 1, the world day of prayer for the care of creation to October 4th, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of ecology.

The season of creation is an ecumenical event. September 1 was celebrated as World Day of Prayer for Creation by the Orthodox church since 1989; other European churches joined this in 2001.

Pope Francis established Season of Creation in the Catholic church by his letter dated August 6, 2015. His letter can be accessed here.

In 2016 the World Council of Churches, the Anglicans and several other Christian agencies adopted this celebration. So we are called to celebrate it ecumenically.

The aims of this celebration are:

⊛ accepting challenges to the unthinking consumption in excess in our lives;
⊛ adopting low greenhouse gas emission life style
⊛ advocating to others to be stewards of the creation.

Download: Season of Creation Celebration Resource

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Season of Creation is an ecumenical activity of many Christian Churches worldwide to care for the Earth





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