Golden Rule Day

Golden Rule Dayu ImageThe Golden Rule is ancient and modern, secular and religious, personal and common. Golden Rule Day is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on and celebrate the universal principle of treating others the way that we want to be treated. It is a powerful tool for all of our relationships – with ourselves, others, animals, and the planet.

When is Golden Rule Day?

Since 2007, Golden Rule Day (GR Day) has been celebrated on April 5. While hundreds of organizations and thousands of people recognize April 5 as Golden Rule Day, the UN has not yet officially declared April 5 as International Golden Rule Day.

Where will Golden Rule Day happen?

In 2020, Golden Rule Day (April 5) falls on a Sunday. In the previous years we have started the celebrations and broadcast at around 12 pm (mid-day) in New Zealand/Australia/Japan and travel west through all of the time zones and as many countries as possible – approximately 4 hours per SECTION:

  • SECTION 1: All countries around New Zealand, Marshall Islands, Australia, Japan, North and South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, etc.
  • SECTION 2: All countries around China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, etc.
  • SECTION 3: All countries around Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Turkey, UAE, Iraq, Iran, the eastern half of Africa, etc.
  • SECTION 4: All countries in the western half of Africa, all countries that are part of the European Union, etc.
  • SECTION 5: All countries around Iceland, Greenland, all of South America and Central America, Cuba, etc.
  • SECTION 6: All countries around Canada, Mexico and the United States, etc.

What will be part of Golden Rule Day?

Golden Rule Day 2020’s theme is:

Ideas for your video submissions?

§ Show every-day people, young people and our elders and everyone in between

§ Short videos highlighting someone living the Golden Rule, interviews, panels, etc.

§ One person or a group of people

§ Meditations and prayers

§ Performances – songs, music, poetry, dance, rap, etc.

§ Businesses that exemplify the Golden Rule

§ Indigenous / Grandmothers / Elders / Leaders

§ Highlight the Golden Rule in action in schools, neighbourhoods, cities

LANGUAGES: We welcome submissions in any language. In fact, it would be great if we had as many languages as possible.

How do I submit something for Golden Rule Day?

You can click here to go to the submission page.

Please read the criteria and guidelines on the content you may submit in the join2020 submission page.

Once you are ready to submit we need you to do the following:

1. Upload your content to your Google Drive, DropBox, or other online drive platform.

2. Send us the link and share your content with us via:

3. We will send you a confirmation email that we received your content invitation, and add your content to our drive.

~ FINAL DEADLINE to submit content is

IMPORTANT: Make sure that all content is yours to share and any music that might be playing in the background is in the public domain.

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