Dungala Kaiela Oration, 2019

Hosted by Kaiela Institute and University of Melbourne, the 2019 Dungala Kaiela Oration will be delivered by Yawuru leader Senator Patrick Dodson, “Father of Reconciliation”, at Rumbalara Football Netball Club on Friday, 09 August 2019, commencing at 5:30 pm

The Dungala Kaiela Oration is hosted jointly by the Kaiela Institute and the University of Melbourne. The oration celebrates Aboriginal cultural identity with the goal of creating a shared vision for the people of the greater Goulburn Valley region and promoting Aboriginal development.

The Dungala Kaiela ‘Defining Goulburn Murray’ Oration is an annual event co-hosted by the Kaiela Institute and the University of Melbourne. The Orations have rolling themes examining culture, climate change, economics and regional development, legal issues, health and society. The aim of the Oration is to celebrate Aboriginal cultural identity, create a shared vision for the people of the greater Goulburn Murray region, and build bridges to promote Aboriginal social and economic development.

This year the keynote speaker is Yawuru leader Senator Pat Dodson, Australian Labor Party, Western Australia. Known as “The Father of Reconciliation”, Senator Dodson will speak about the successes, failures, disappointments and areas of ongoing need, including in the areas of reconciliation, land, recognition and public policy.

Further to this, Senator Dodson will share his vision for the future in the context of national, regional and local level realities for our mob. His long and profound contribution to the question of Aboriginal futures and Australian society will create an inspiring platform for the Goulburn Murray.

Bookings online at Eventbrite (Opens in new window)


Dungala Kaiela - Patrick Dodson
Senator Patrick Dodson will deliver the 2019 Dungala Kaiela Oration at the Rumbalara Football – Netball Club



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