Community mourns lives lost in Sri Lanka Easter bombings

Memborial Service for Sri Lanka Bombings, SheppartonTwo weeks on from the Sri Lanka bombing, more than 100 people gathered at the St Brendan’s parish to mourn the lives and humanity lost after a number of suicide bombings took place, targeting churches and hotels Easter Sunday.

Flowers were placed at the fountain by the front of the building as mourners made their way into the church to join a united front for all affected by the bombings.

The Easter candle was lit as Sri Lankan and Australian flags were held high down the aisle in the small hands of children to show solidarity and support at the hour of need, followed by white flowers to offer peace and the national flower of Sri Lanka, blue lotus, was brought to the alter.

Sri Lankan Association of the Goulburn Valley secretary Mewan Dissanayake said there were about 60 Sri Lankan families living in the Goulburn Valley, all with families back home.

‘Tonight we show unity while we remember the people we have lost,’ Mr Dissanayake said.

Although the bombings took place in a time of worship for Catholics and Christians, Mr Dissanayake said it affected a whole spectrum of people.

‘We want to unite for those who were killed during prayer, for all religions,’ he said.

The ceremony was led by Dr Chris Wijesinghe, who reminded all in attendance that more than 250 people died on Easter Sunday and many more were injured.

A number of readings followed including a Buddhist prayer, a reading from Islam for the peace of the nation and the English Hymn before a screening of the Sri Lanka aftermath was displayed.

Candles were placed in front of the altar before concluding prayers were laid for peace, for loss and humanity.


Flag of Sri Lanka
Flag of Sri Lanka at the Memorial Service, St Brendans Church


Narrative and images courtesy Shepparton News

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