Christianity, Islam and the Secular State

Islam, Christianity and the Secular State - Book Cover

Social Cohesion in Australia is always improved when religions jointly seek harmony.

Religion's relevance to public life is not understood and we underestimate the importance of religion to the process of building social harmony in a multi-faith, multicultural society. Because Christianity and Islam are missionary religions with visions of transforming both the individual and the society in which people live, the role of religion in society and the relationship of religion and politics are issues Australia cannot ignore in seeking a basis for its social harmony. Christian and Muslim Australians also face challenges in ensuring that their understanding of the relationship between religion and politics builds and not undermines Australia's social harmony. This essay attempts to address those issues.

This book is available from Frank Purcell of the Shepparton Interfaith Network. To order this book, write to Dr. Frank Purcell, 44 Wilmot Road Shepparton 3630 and include $10 for book price, postage and pack.

Book Cover, Islam, Christianity and the Secular State


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