2018 National Police Remembrance Day, Shepparton

National Police Remembrance Day was observed in Shepparton at Shepparton Baptist Church on 28 September 2018. Victorian Police leadership and local community members were in attendance. The service was led by local Police Chaplain Rev. Richard Horton.


National Police Remembrance day is observed annually to honour the memory of those members of Australian Police Forces who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Victorian Police leadership, community members, state government representatives and Shepparton Councillors along with faith community representatives attended the memorial. The service is a time for all to consider the cost of community safety. During the memorial, Inspector Troy Hargadon said,

Law enforcement is a unique profession that should promote pride in service and dedication to duty, fostering a sense of camaraderie among Police Officers throughout Australia, the South Pacific and beyond. A National Remembrance Day encourages Police Officers and their families to honour the memory of their comrades who have given their lives in service of the community …

As a sign that the memory of those who have gone before continues on, and in the recognition of solidarity with those who continue to mourn the death of police members throughout this country, all present were invited to come forward and light a candle of remembrance.

Whilst Police come together as a community of policing this is a shared task – for the task of creative community building is shared by both police members on duty and the community itself – through Neighbourhood Watch, cafes, and task forces which engage various sections of the community.

Policing in this day and age no longer solely relies on compliance with the law; rather, it is a partnership on the job, at the station, in the community which builds confidence.

From the spiritual point of view, policing ensures right order in the community, and restores order out of chaos. This is reflective of the act of creation by the Divine Source of The All, who – the Bible tells us – created order out of chaos in seven days. While this is a mythological account of a spiritual truth, it is to be kept in mind that in community policing, the members are called upon to restore order where right order in the community has broken down.

If we examine the badge of Victoria Police we find “Uphold the right”… where right is the right order of life in the community. Originally Tenez le Droit in French, the right, like droit, adroit, all render a greater sense of righteousness, right conduct, right behaviour, linking to the Hindu concept of dharma, the right order of the universe. Hinduism teaches dharmam moolam jagat, the universe is based on right order, right conduct, expressing the proper nature of an object or person. We find that the Police motto expresses a universal truth found in one of the oldest religions of man.

The memorial service also included the Police Ode, the Police Valour Hymn and readings on Remembrance. The service concluded with blessings on members of the Police Force in life and in death; thereafter, the congregation sang the National Anthem, Advance Australia Fair.

As the sun surely sets:
Dawn will see it arise,
For service, above self,
Demands its own prize.

You have fought the good fight:
Life’s race has been run,
And peace, your reward,
For eternity began.

And we that are left,
Shall never forget,
Rest in peace friend and colleague
For the sun now set.

(All say) We will remember
We will remember

Hasten the dawn







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