Dungala Kaiela Oration: At home in Country, At home in the World

Hosted by Kaiela Institute and University of Melbourne, the 2018 Dungala Kaiela Oration will be delivered by Dr Moana Jackson, Director of Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Ture (the Maori Legal Service) and Lecturer at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ōtaki, at Rumbalara Football Netball Club on Tuesday, 24 July commencing at 5pm.


Moana Jackson has said he wishes to see the world’s Indigenous Peoples “at home in country, and at home in the world”.


Dr Moana Jackson, Director of Ngā Kaiwhakamārama i ngā Ture


In this 10th annual Dungala Kaiela Oration, Moana Jackson will argue that the hundreds of Indigenous Peoples who helped draft the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples had many hopes and aspirations, perhaps the most common and important being that all Indigenous Peoples would once again be able to determine their own destinies; that the right of self-determination that had been so long denied would once again be accorded recognition, so that the people could flourish and prosper.

Part of that flourishing would be the right of Indigenous Peoples to not just be safe and secure at home in country, but to be confident and brave at home in the world; to merge ancient wisdoms and contemporary knowledge into a uniquely Indigenous approach to the problems that beset us all. To walk proudly wherever destiny might lead.

The exciting initiatives begun in this region and this country indicate that the hopes shared by so many during the drafting of the UN Declaration can be made real with imagination and bravery. So what else might Indigenous Peoples imagine for the future, what else might societies need to be brave about?

Moana will explore those questions and seek answers, confident in the belief that the Yorta Yorta people, like all Indigenous Peoples, can dare to dream new dreams.

About the Oration
The Dungala Kaiela Oration is an annual event co-hosted by Shepparton’s Dungala Kaiela Institute and the University of Melbourne. The Orations examine culture, climate change, economics and regional development, legal issues, health and society. The aim of the Oration is to celebrate Aboriginal cultural identity, create a shared vision for the people of the greater Goulburn Murray region, and build bridges to promote Aboriginal social and economic development.

Event Details

Program: 2018 Dungala Kaiela Oration
Topic: Self-Determination and the Sharing of Dreams: Maori and Aboriginal Australians Telling Stories
Location: Rumbalara Football Netball Club, Mercury Drive, Shepparton, 3630
Date: Tuesday 24 July 2018
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Cost: Free, bookings are necessary for catering purposes
Bookings: Online at Eventbrite
Further information: katrina.mohamed@kaielainstitute.org.au




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