The Pilgrimage

The Pilgrimage Shepparton Interfaith Network presents an evening on Pilgrimages with guest speakers from different religions describing the experience of pilgrimage in their faith tradition.

Visiting holy places happens in many religions. Come along and enjoy presentations, and listen to the stories of those who have been on pilgrimage. Recently, Martin Sheen has promoted one such pilgrimage - "Camino de Santiago" (The Way) via a movie called "The Way". Other interfaith groups from Australia have gone on similar pilgrimages to France and Spain and completed the Camino de Santiago. There are many other holy places in religion, we may think of Mecca for the Muslims, Lourdes for the Christians, Jerusalem for the Jews and Kailash of the Hindu and Tibetan Buddhists. Mt Athos is one holy place in the Orthodox tradition, as are shrines and tombs of Saints.

Speakers on this evening will talk about:

  • Camino de Santiago (The Way)
  • Christian Pilgrimage,
  • Hindu Pilgrimage,
  • Visits to Hindu and Buddhist ashrams and monasteries,
  • The Hajj (the Muslim pilgrimage) and
  • The Hajj (the ladies' experience)

What: The Pilgrimage in different faith traditions

When: Monday, 29 September at 7:30pm

Where: St Augustines Hall, Orr St, Shepparton (adjacent tennis courts)

Cost: Free; light supper afterwards

More information: Frank Purcell, 5821 4362

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