Shepparton’s new Houses of Worship – Community Centres

Afghani Community Centre SheppartonTwo new worship and community centres are presently under construction and nearing completion in Shepparton. The Afghani Community are constructing a new mosque in Shepparton which will also serve as a Community Centre.

St Paul's Lutheran Church is building a new place of worship. This community has a large number of worshippers from various nations in Africa and the new Church will also have an African House.

It is estimated that 80% of the Afghani people in Shepparton speak Hazaragi. Many parents are concerned that their children are rapidly changing the new community centre will enhance Afghani culture in Australia, a unique identity and respect for parents. The community needs to bring a spiritual leader to Shepparton to support families and young people.

The Afghan community has shown itself to be highly resilient and adaptable to a new environment. In Shepparton, this is now being embodied in the construction of a new Afghani mosque. Funded entirely with community contributions totaling around $1 million, the mosque will provide an important meeting place for Afghans in the region.

New Mosque Shepparton

View of the upcoming Afghani Community Centre, Shepparton

New Mosque Shepparton

View of the upcoming Afghani Community Centre, Shepparton

New Mosque Shepparton

View of the upcoming Afghani Community Centre, Shepparton; the Sikh Gurduara in Doyles Road is visible in the background

St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House, Shepparton

Nearing completion in Poplar Avenue, Shepparton, is the new St Paul’s African House and adjoining St Paul’s Lutheran Church.

Estimated to be completed by September or October, the new 600sqm church will seat up to 250 people and the 500sqm African House will provide a central gathering space for the growing African community as well as offices for administration, a kitchenette and meeting rooms.

St Paul’s Lutheran Church Pastor, Matt Anker said “We haven’t been able to worship in our current church for four years because we simply outgrew it. At a squeeze we could fit 60 people in it.

“About five years ago we realised we were in trouble, we had to do something about the size of the church, but we didn’t have the funds or land. Through the help of our church district and support from the wider Lutheran Churches of Australia, we were able to purchase the land in Poplar Avenue.

“There is a growing African community here in Shepparton and this new African House will help to suit the growing needs of our congregation,” Pastor Anker said.

View of the upcoming St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House

St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House Shepparton

View of the upcoming St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House in Poplar Road, Shepparton

St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House Shepparton

View of the upcoming St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House in Poplar Road, Shepparton

St Paul's Lutheran Church and African House Shepparton

Interior of the African House adjacent to St Paul's Lutheran Church/i>

Source (Lutheran Church)

Source (Afghani Community)

Image Credit, Shepparton Interfaith Network

Image Credit, St Paul's Lutheran Church


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