Ramadan Greetings to Islamic Communities


On behalf of the faith communities of the Shepparton Interfaith Network and the Goulburn Valley, we extend our warmest wishes to the Islamic Communities of the Goulburn Valley during the holy month of Ramadan.

The ninth month of the Islamic Calendar is a special time for muslim communities of the Goulburn Valley, and all around the world. It is a time of understanding, a time of enhancing links to the community and spread of the message of generosity and compassion.

In addition to offering spiritual comfort, Ramadan is a special time of strengthening social ties as muslim communities and their guests to break fast with family and friends. It is a time of upholding the strong links of harmony and understanding among the faith communities of the Goulburn Valley.

Shepparton and the Goulburn Valley has a strong history of diversity in faith and culture. There has always been a warm welcome to peoples of other faiths who settle in and contribute to the welfare and the rich diversity of our community. Faith based communities have played a central role in caring for and giving hospitality to settlers in our region.

Shepparton Interfaith Network wishes all adherents of Islam a sacred and holy Ramadan. In year 2014, Ramadan will begin on Sunday, 29 June 2014.


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