VALID Statement on Spirituality and Disabled Persons


In observance of United Nations World Day of People with Disabilities, the Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability I recently endorsed a Statement on Spirituality for Disabled Persons.


The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc is an advocacy group for adults with intellectual disabilities and their families. They have recently endorsed a Statement on Spirituality.

VALID Statement on Spirituality

Statement of Purpose

Faith and spirituality provide positive supports to many Victorians.

The rights, needs and wishes of many people with disabilities, in regards to their spiritual expression, have been largely overlooked or denied. Spirituality is a very important part of the human condition. It is expressed uniquely, and may be formal or informal, individual or communal, and maybe expressed through music, art, creativity, religion and/or relationships.


The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (2006) recognises discrimination should not occur on the basis of many factors, religion being one of them.

Within Australia the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against people on the basis that they have or might have a disability.

VALID supports an individual’s right to express and have access to the spirituality of their choice, provided it communicates value and respect for all people. Such spirituality may represent beliefs, definitions and expressions of a particular faith community or of a particular way of life.

VALID, a state advocacy association of people with disabilities, their advocates and people who work in the disability sector, believes that all people with disabilities have the right to spiritual expression of their choice, and that any necessary supports need to be provided for such participation.



 The Victorian Advocacy League for Individuals with Disability Inc




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