Work and Faith – a (free) lunchtime conversation series


Lunchtime Conversations: These are Conversations with business leaders from different faiths – towards understanding the different faiths in the workplace. The conversation will take place over lunch with guest speakers and opportunity for Q&A. Hear from local Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Hindu speakers talk about their work and the faith dimension.

  • Dates:
  • Thur, 19 May, 12 – 1, Million Chilli Restaurant
  • Friday 20 May, 12 – 1, Aloi Thai Restaurant
  • Friday 27 May, 12 – 1, Phillipines House
  • Cost: Free!
  • Limited to 20 places
  • More Information:
  • Chris Parnell:5821 3483
  • Sam Atukorala:5831 2395



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