Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is a programme of education and formation for the ministry of pastoral care. The programme’s methodology utilises the action reflection model of learning. A part-time Unit of CPE will be conducted in Wangaratta in second semester 2016, from 4 July to 22 November. The course will be conducted under the auspices of the Austin Health CPE Centre and sponsored by Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW).
A part-time Unit of CPE will be conducted in Wangaratta in second semester 2016, from 4 July to 22 November. The course will be conducted under the auspices of the Austin Health CPE Centre and sponsored by Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW). It will be coordinated by Dan Murphy, who works as a Pastoral Care Practitioner at NHW and is accredited as a Supervisor, with the assistance of Maureen Beattie, who is an Anglican priest at St Matthew’s Parish in Albury. It will be located at NHW, in the Spiritual Sanctuary.
CPE is one of the most highly recognised programs of supervised education for provision of spiritual and pastoral care, and is rarely available outside the metropolitan area. It carries extensive credit in tertiary religious and theological study programs. It is highly recommended for anyone contemplating working in pastoral or spiritual care especially in a professional role, or in a volunteer capacity.
The program will be conducted on Mondays from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, with attendance on 3 Tuesdays also required (5 July, 27 September and 22 November). A further day each week is required for delivery of pastoral care in an approved context (which could possibly be at Northeast Health Wangaratta for up to 3 participants) and further time is also needed for writing reports on pastoral encounters, so participants need to be able to devote about 2.5 days each week for the 20 weeks of the program.
Cost of the CPE program is $1,300.00 (incl GST). Prospective applicants should contact the Course Coordinator, Dan Murphy, at or on 0408 841 997, for further information. You will need to request an application form by 15 April 2016, and applications must be made by 20 May 2016.
What is Clinical Pastoral Education?
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) is an experiential educational process set within the context of direct pastoral ministry.
Developed within the Christian faith tradition, its action/reflection methodology and principles are applicable to other faiths and spiritual expression.
CPE requires a commitment to the holistic care of persons and to exploration of the interface of life events and a person’s search for meaning. Participants enter into supervised ministry encounters with people from a variety of backgrounds and circumstances and within a multi-disciplinary context.
CPE seeks to develop:
- Pastoral, Professional and Personal identity
- Pastoral awareness and competence in assessment of spiritual need/resources
- Capacity to evaluate ministry practice within small groups and individual supervision
CPE focuses on:
- Pastoral ministry and formation
- Spiritual/theological reflection and integration
- Professional functioning and responsibility within institutional/agency/parish ministry practice.
Learning outcomes are transferable to any pastoral ministry context.
Personal reflection and evaluation of ministry experiences enables participants to develop new awareness of their own humanity, the needs of those to whom they minister and the capacity to facilitate and support an individual’s search for and discovery of meaning.
Learning Opportunities
Clinical Pastoral Education is carried out in the context of actual ministry to persons – patients, clients, and families in a variety of settings.
Pastoral Learning
Drawing on their own spiritual, cultural and familial journeys, participants are challenged to reflect on and, gain awareness of:
- the influences and personal resources they bring to the ministry encounter.
- the impact of these influences within themselves and within the other.
Reflection and integration of new awareness in ministry practice are assisted by insights gained from the related fields of medicine and the behavioural sciences.
Professional Development
The program structure enables a multi-disciplinary team experience whereby participants develop inter-personal and inter-professional relationship skills, inter-disciplinary awareness, competence and accountability as professional colleagues.
Personal Growth
Individual faith and spiritual/religious practices together with the participant’s behavioural and emotional responses to ministry and peer group interactions are revealed and explored to a greater place of integration.
Curriculum Features
CPE emphasises experiential learning in an adult educational process. The emphasis is on exploring and learning from the responses of the “living human document” – oneself, peers, supervisors and those encountered in ministry.
- Small group and individual supervisory sessions.
- Seminar presentations focused on person-pastoral, minister-client and participant-participant relationships.
- Personal reflection and evaluation of the processes experienced through daily journals, pastoral intervention reviews and case-studies using multi-modal forms.
- Theological reflection seminars.
- Leadership of prayer/worship.
- Didactic presentations and reading tasks.
Clinical Pastoral Education may be undertaken by adherents of any faith. Prospective applicants should contact the Course Coordinator, Dan Murphy, at or on 0408 841 997, for further information, and to request an application form.
Closing date for applications 20th May 2016.