Souls lost in God

Taken from various sermons and writings (1300-1320) by Meister Eckhart, this sermon focuses on "Let God work in you, give the work to God, and have peace. Don’t worry if He works through your nature or above your nature, because both are His, nature and grace..."

Meister Eckhart

God is not only a Father of all good things, as being their First Cause and Creator, but He is also their Mother, since He remains with the creatures which have from Him their being and existence, and maintains them continually in their being. If God did not abide with and in the creatures, they must necessarily have fallen back, so soon as they were created, into the nothingness out of which they were created….

Nothing exists outside of God, except for the nothing itself….

Let God work in you, give the work to God, and have peace. Don’t worry if He works through your nature or above your nature, because both are His, nature and grace….

Now I might ask, how stands it with the soul that is lost in God? Does the soul find herself or not? To this will I answer as it appears to me, that the soul finds herself in the point, where every rational being understands itself with itself. Although it sinks and sinks in the eternity of the Divine Essence, yet it can never reach the ground. Therefore God has left a little point wherein the soul turns back upon itself and finds itself, and knows itself to be a creature….

Turn your whole life to let God grow in you, in a way that all your thinking and all your efforts regard Him, in all that you do or you don’t do….

If you ask for God, you will find God and all goodness. Indeed, if you were like that and you stepped upon a stone, this would be an act more divine than if you received the body of the Lord when you care rather for your affairs or when your mind is less free….

From various sermons and writings (1300-1320)


Meister Eckhart - by Crossroad Publishing


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