Christianity and Mental Health

In observance of Mental Health Week, Shepparton Interfaith Network in collaboration with Voices for Harmony conducted a forum, Religion and Mental Health at GOTAFE on Friday, 9th October. In this account, local psychologist Estela Hutchings gives an account of her experience as a Christian and psychologist, and the kinds of responses encountered in Christians she has worked with. ... Read more...


Religion and Mental Health: The Migrant Experience

Frank Purcell In observance of Mental Health Week, Shepparton Interfaith Network in collaboration with Voices for Harmony conducted a forum, Religion and Mental Health at GOTAFE on Friday, 9th October. In this account, local president of the St Vincent de Paul North-East conference, Dr Frank Purcell, examines how religion was a bulwark, a support for those experiencing stress years past. Dr Purcell takes a look at migration to Shepparton by Italian, Greek and Albanian communities, and the challenges faced by those migrating from the Middle East in this day and age. ... Read more...


Forum Observations: Religion and Mental Health

Mental Health Week 2015 In observance of Mental Health Week, Voices for Harmony in collaboration with Shepparton Interfaith Network conducted a forum, Religion and Mental Health at GOTAFE on Friday, 9th October. In this account, local identity, historian and well known book reviewer, Pat Crudden - who coordinates Socrates Cafe at the University of the Third Age - has kindly shared his thoughts about the speakers who presented at this forum. ... Read more...


Sikh Holy Day (20th October): Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Granth Sahib The Guru Granth Sahib Ji is truely unique among the world's great scriptures. It is considered the Supreme Spiritual Authority and Head of the Sikh religion, rather than any living person. It is also the only scripture of it's kind which not only contains the works of it's own religious founders but also writings of people from other faiths.

Sikhs celebrate the first installation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on 1st September and the Conferment of title of “Guru” on Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on 20th October each year.



Lucky country needs all faiths standing up

Graham Ashton, Commissioner of Victorian PoliceVictorian Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton says it is time for Victorians of all faiths to stand together, and focus on the common bonds and values which unite us, not the points of difference on which ignorance can prosper and fuel division. Tolerance and multiculturalism are values which should be respected by all elements in our community, Commissioner Ashton writes. ... Read more...


Is Islam a radicalising force?

What role Islam as a faith plays in jihadism and the radicalisation of young Muslims is something that is rarely addressed. This matter is of much concern given recent events in Australia. In this article, Dirk Baehr is a political scientist specialising in the areas of jihadism, Salafism, and Internet propaganda gives an account of young Muslims and their engagement in radicalisation. Sound knowledge of faith protects against radicalisation. ... Read more...


Women in Leadership Forum

Women in Leadership Forum Latrobe University Shepparton Campus and and Greater Shepparton City Council, with support from The Greater Shepparton Women’s Charter Alliance Advisory Committee, will conduct a Women in Leadership Forum at 7pm on Thursday 29 October 2015 at Eastbank Centre, Shepparton. ... Read more...


Racism, Mental Health and Mindfulness

The Annual General Meeting of Shepparton Region Reconciliation Group was held on Monday 5 September at Sandhurst Catholic Care. Guest Speaker at the meeting was Terry James, who gave an overview of research into Perseverative Cognition and Aboriginal Australians. Ms James has undertaken collaborative research at Rumbalara and her work gives insights into the effects of racism on physical and mental health. ... Read more...


Booing the messenger: Goodes is gone, but the confronting truth remains

Adam GoodesMany would deny it, but sport - particularly Australian Rules football - has strong religious overtones in Australia. Earlier this week the AFL Premiership Cup featured in a church service in Scots Church, Melbourne. One of the principal activities of the Shepparton Interfaith Network is to identify and respond to social issues (such as racism) in all forms in our region. In this article, we bring you some observations on the persistent substrata of racism in Australian Rules Football. ... Read more...



PrayerforEveryone is a global prayer initiative where an estimated 600 million people of faith from around the globe will be praying for wisdom for our world leaders to end extreme poverty and inequality. This is in conjunction with the 17 new Global Sustainable Development Goals which will be announced by the UN very shortly. ... Read more...


Anti-mosque protesters force Bendigo mayor from council meeting under police guard

Bendigo's mayor has been forced to flee a council meeting under police guard after it was stormed by rowdy anti-mosque protesters. The Council had earlier given approval for the Mosque to proceed. Protesters lodged an appeal against the mosque, which was rejected by the VCAT. They have lodged another appeal. The Mayor has also responded to dissemination of misinformation by the protesters. ... Read more...
