Shepparton: Positive Ageing Advisory Committee

City of Greater Shepparton LogoGreater Shepparton City Council is calling for nominations from local residents for the Greater Shepparton Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC). Nominations may be lodged up to 15 April 2022.

reater Shepparton City Council is calling for nominations from local residents for the Greater Shepparton Positive Ageing Advisory Committee (PAAC).

The committee aims to form a strong link between Council older people, carers, family members, advocates and service providers within the Greater Shepparton region.

The Positive Ageing Advisory Committee provides a platform where representatives of the ageing community can discuss and provide advice to Council on opportunities and challenges relating to positive ageing within Greater Shepparton. The Positive Ageing Advisory Committee has an active role in formalising the development, establishment and implementation of the Positive Aging Strategy. The strategy will align with the Council Plan 2021-2025, the Greater Shepparton Public Health Strategic Plan 2018-2028, and other relevant documents that support the aged care sector. These areas can include but are not limited to:

The Positive Ageing Newsletter – Ageing Well

Coordinating an event for the Victorian Senior’s Festival

Contributing to the recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and other relevant days of recognition.

There are up to nine community representative positions and up to three local industry service provider positions available on the committee, as well as a nominated Councillor. A Council officer will also provide administration support. The committee meets bi-monthly from February to December each year.

Nominations for appointment to the committee will be received until 5.00pm Friday 15 April 2022.

Nomination forms and more information are available on Council’s website at:

Verbal expressions of interest can also be made by contacting Council’s Access and Inclusion Officer on (03) 5832 9700.


Shepparton: Positive Ageing Advisory Committee


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